ООО "Блок"

г. Москва,
ул. Шарикоподшипниковская, д. 13, стр. 46

Тел.: +7 (495) 287-00-38

email: zakaz@bloknote.net

"Table Up/Down"

Functions as Feeding Table "UP" or "DOWN".

Select the menu "DOWN", table will go down. Select the menu "UP" and hold, table will come down.

  Reference: Table will go up only while you press "UP" menu button and it will stop when you take your finger off.

Table will go down automatically to the limit when press "DOWN" menu button once, and it will stop when you press the button one more time.

  Reference: Feeding Table will not come up if feeding device is not located its feeder origin position.

→ Place feeding device at feeder origin position (ready-to-feed position) by selecting "FEEDER ON" menu.

How to use Alarm Display

Alarm Display

Alarm Display functions as follows.

Control Panel will go off with beep sound when entering to the emergency mode.

Then, message at the left upper side will change from "NORMAL STATE" to "ESTOP".

Please find the come back procedures to normal mode below.

  1. - Release the switch if emergency switch is on.
  2. - Select "ACCEPT". Beep sound and LCD black-out status will be released.
  3. - Message at the left upper corner will change to "NORMAL STATE" indicates system has been changed to mode.

Alarm Display