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г. Москва,
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Тел.: +7 (495) 287-00-38

email: zakaz@bloknote.net

3.3 Safety information (arranged in chapters):

Operation (chapter 6)

Before starting the machine, the following has to be observed:

Caution! Before closing the press chamber doors ensure, no body limb or clothing can be trapped.
Violent pressure!

For pulling through the baling twine use only the delivered pulling tool! Do not put your hands inside the channels!

Adjustment / Maintenance (chapter 7)

Before adjusting / maintenance the machine, the following has to be observed

Persons working on adjustment / maintaining the machine should be aware at all times the moving machine parts can cause bodily injuries:

  • Adjusting /maintaining must be done only by trained and responsible persons.
  • Before adjusting / maintaining the machine, the power supply must be cut
  • Make sure, nobody can switch on the power supply during adjusting / maintaining, thus putting the press back into operation
  • Adjusting / Maintaining of the hydraulic system is only allowed with the pressure ram on lowest position and no pressure applied to the hydraulic system
  • Before putting the machine back to operation check all safety cover plates are remounted and the function for all safety devices are OK