ООО "Блок"

г. Москва,
ул. Шарикоподшипниковская, д. 13, стр. 46

Тел.: +7 (495) 287-00-38

email: zakaz@bloknote.net

Symptom Reasons for malfunction and troubleshooting

→ Adjust the air adjustment knob as to increase the air from the blast foot.

When turn left the adjustment knob, air will be increased.

When turn right the adjustment knob, air will be decreased.

When inserted two more sheets

1. In case the sheets could be separated due to the BLOWER's few air.

→ Adjust the blast air adjustment knob as to increase the air.

When turn left the adjustmnet knob, air will be increased.

When turn right the adjustmnet knob, air will be decreased.

2. When the SEPARATOR for the feeding device is wrong posiotned.

→ It is recommended that the plate touches within 5~7mm from the edges of the sheet.

3. When the height gap is within 3mm between the Stoppers and the sheets
or when the height of the sheet is higher than the stopper.

→ Turn left the feeding adjustment handle as to be lower the feeding device.
And if the feeding table was lower, please raise it again.

When the sheets feeding are twisted

1. When the feeding wheel's pressure(Left & Right) is not same.

Adjust the adjustment bolts forawrd to twisted sheets as to decrease the pressure.

2. When the laminating roller's presusre(Left & Right) is unparellel. → Please contact the supplier.

3. When the timing belt is defective. → Please contact the supplier.

When feeding distance is not same

1. When an alignment cylinder is defective.

→ Replace the cylinder.

Please contact the supplier.

→ When a Solenoid valve is defective.

Check a signal wire is connected or disconnected.

Replace the Solenoid valve.

Please contact the supplier.

2. When a tension on the driving belt is too loosened.

→ Please contact the supplier.

When Driving does not stop

1. When the feeding errors happened and the sensor work.

→ Prepare spare sheets and put them between disconnected sheets and run the machine.

2. When an Emergency switch is operated.

→ After released the Emergency switch and select the "ACCEPT" menu of "ALARM" screen in the control panel. And the system will be returned and reoperated.