ООО "Блок"

г. Москва,
ул. Шарикоподшипниковская, д. 13, стр. 46

Тел.: +7 (495) 287-00-38

email: zakaz@bloknote.net

2 Guarantee

2.1 In general

The in the purchase contract stated conditions are valid for the guarantee. The guarantee will not be applied in case of damages arising from insufficient knowledge of the manual.

In case you want to use the single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800 otherwise than it is defined in chapter 1.3 Technical data, you have to consult the producer (address see the cover). Otherwise the guarantee will not be applied.

2.2 Service

If you should, at any time, get problems with our machine, please contact our service (address see the cover).

3. Safety regulations

The single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800 is reliable in operation if used correctly. Nevertheless the machine can cause danger when it is used incorrectly or contrary to its purpose. We would therefore like to draw your attention to the security information in subject 3.2 Personal security.

3.1 Defined use

The defined use of the single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800 is the pressing of valuable waste like carton, paper, film, tin plate, fabric, carpet, plastic, woods etc. in the pressing chambers. Strictly forbidden is the pressing of exposable materials and liquids and all other dangerous materials.

3.2 Personal security

Highest priority has been given to the personal safety of the operators during all operations of the single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800.

All safety information has been arranged and summarized in chapters. All persons involved in the operation of the machine have to know this summary They should acknowledge to you by their signature that they took notice of the safety information.

At the beginning of each chapter we point out all elements of danger.

If necessary we point out again elements of danger at the corresponding passage of the text. Furthermore, in the manual on hand all elements of danger have been marked clearly (see chapter 1.2.3 Security information how human damages can be caused).

All elements of danger summarized in chapter 3.2 have been added with general prescriptions for the prevention of accidents for different kind of works at the machine.

A copy of the chapter "Safety" together with the prescriptions for the prevention of accidents have to be attached to the machine in a conspicuous place.