ООО "Блок"

г. Москва,
ул. Шарикоподшипниковская, д. 13, стр. 46

Тел.: +7 (495) 287-00-38

email: zakaz@bloknote.net

1.1.3 Definition of the described machine an target group

Machine: single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800.

Defined use: Pressing an baling of valuable waste material into bales. Strictly forbidden is the pressing of explosive material or liquids and all dangerous materials. Also the defined use means to follow the instructions of this manual and the maintenance rate.

1.1.4 Copyright

All rights reserved to the producer (address see the cover). Text and technical drawings are not allowed to be put in the circulation neither partly or completely. It I not allowed either to duplicate them or to give them to other people and companies for competition purposes.

1.2 Structure of the manual

1.2.1 Modular structure

The manual is built-up in a modular way. The themes are separated in chapters

1.2.2 Type matter

Important information in the text are printed in bold letters, additional information are printed in italics.

1.2.3 Security information how human damages can be caused

Security information, indicating danger to life and limb are marked like that: