ООО "Блок"

г. Москва,
ул. Шарикоподшипниковская, д. 13, стр. 46

Тел.: +7 (495) 287-00-38

email: zakaz@bloknote.net

1 Technical description

1.1 In general

Dear Customer,

The present manual enables you to handle the single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800 in a correct way and without danger. It must be known to all persons who have to work with this machine as an insufficient knowledge of the manual may cause grave consequences.

1.1.1 Consequences from insufficient knowledge of the manual

An insufficient knowledge of the manual may

  • Endanger life and health of the operators and other persons, not related to the machine operation,
  • Disturb or affect the efficiency to the machine,
  • Lead to material damages

We would like to point out that we do not take over any liability for damages caused by insufficient knowledge of the manual

1.1.2 Customers responsibility

Therefore please take care that all persons involved in maintenance, operation and fitting of the machine are informed about how to handle the single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800 correctly and without danger.

  • The persons involved in the operation of the machine have to acquire all information concerning their security and trouble-free handling of the single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800. The present manual enables that.
  • The manual must be at the disposal of all persons involved in the operation of the single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800. It has to stored close to the machine.
  • All people involved in the operation of the single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800 have to know the location of the manual.
  • Only persons which have been introduced in the operation of the single chamber press EK700 or single chamber press EK800 are allowed to work with it.